Being brutally honest and living to tell about it was never so much fun! I found this great site, My Charming Kids, with a fun post for Mondays and we are going to give it a try. You pretty much talk about what you did "not" do this past week and then travel around to read everyone else's post. Since I am having withdrawals from the blog party, I figured this would be a good way to get my fix and I love seeing what others do that I would NEVER admit too!!!! So, here it goes......
*My daughter was sick on Thanksgiving so I asked my mom to bring me back some leftovers from the big dinner.....I did NOT give her 15 tupperware containers to put it in.
*Jaise is turning out to be not so much the "golden" child. So this week she spilled some chips out of a bowl and I asked her to pick them up. She did and as she was walking away mumbled "Are you happy now?!!".....did I mention she is TWO!!!!! I did not laugh hysterically at that, because that would be wrong and encourage her to do it again!!!
*So, after dealing with 2 sick kids, hubby working alot of hours, going out on Black Friday JUST to get my kids antibiotics and taking pictures of my first wedding this weekend.........I did NOT drink half of the bottle of wine last night while I was MAKING dinner!!
Wow, that was better than therapy!!!! This might just have to be a weekly event.
Read everyone else's posts (Which, I promise, will make you laugh until you wet your pants and breathe a sigh of relief that everyone is at least a little abnormal.) Just click the banner at the top of the post.