Today's party question is:
Do you shop on Black Friday? What time do you start? Do you complete your shopping this day? What's the best deal you have ever found? What's your shopping strategy?
Well, I used to......die hard, plan out my attack on Thanksgiving Day and be on the road by 4:30am!!!! The crowds didn't bother me, I thrived on them!!!! I never finished my shopping that day. I am always finding something "cute" to finish off a gift. The best deal?....One year I was thrilled to find my niece a "Tickle Me Elmo" when no one could get their hands on them. As for strategy? I am pretty sure I don't have one. I don't go shopping on Black Friday anymore. My husband is now a state trooper and usually works on that day and once I started having kids, I just couldn't put them through the torture. I still have a lot of crazy relatives that do go out so if I see something that I have to have, I will add it to their shopping list.
I'm sorry. I didn't past the part about 4:30 am. I fell over in my chair at that point.
I will be joining you at home!
want to hear something sad.... at 430am I am just now getting into a deep sleep.
Nice - delegating to the relatives who ARE nutty enough to shop on Black Friday...I like it! Will have to call my sister in law.. :)
i'll be out... hoping it's not that bad.
I'll be at home, I can't handle black friday
I remember that year with the tickle me elmo's the company had no idea how popular they would be so they didn't have enough.
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